Jun 20, 2023


散歩中にたくさん花が咲いている木があったので、google lensで調べると、たぶんシマトネリコという名前らしい。
ハナミズキなどは以前はあまり見かけなかったが、東京ではよく植えられている。 常緑ヤマボウシもよく見かける。

Shimatoneriko(Fraxinus griffithii)

While taking a walk, I came across a tree with many blossoms, so I used Google Lens to look it up, and it seems to be called "Shimatoneriko" or something similar.
Even in terms of garden trees, there seems to be a trend with certain types of trees. In the past, I didn't see many Flowering Dogwoods, but they are commonly planted in Tokyo. I also frequently come across evergreen Japanese Andromeda.
Shimatoneriko has a certain stylishness to it as well, and it feels like it could become trendy as a tree.

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